- Native American hip hop artist Supaman to perform free concert at UMass-Amherst

SPRINGFIELD — Crow Nation's hip-hop artist and dancer "Supaman" will visit with students at Veritas Preparatory Charter School on Thursday morning and later head to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to perform a 7:30 concert at the Student Union.

As part of Native History Month, Supaman, who was born Christian Takes Gun Parrish, will conduct two workshops for Veritas students in grades 5-8. The program was arranged by teacher and UMass alumnus Akesa Mafi. - Cap on charter schools court fight looms as public facilities hold lotteries for enrollment

SPRINGFIELD — As a court battle looms over a push to overturn the state's cap on charter schools, Veritas Preparatory Charter School is preparing for Tuesday's lottery to choose students 81 5th graders from a pool of 145 applicants hoping to attend the school in the fall...

The Republican Editorials - Veritas Prep Charter School proves poverty is no barrier to learning

Veritas Prep Charter School, a public charter school serving 243 Springfield students, is outperforming statewide school averages -- as well as traditional public schools in Springfield and other urban centers -- in MCAS results just two years after it opened.

That's very encouraging, not only for Veritas students, but for schools everywhere that serve predominantly low-income students... - VeritasPrep Charter School students excel on MCAS tests 2 years in a row

SPRINGFIELD -- Rachel Romano, founder and executive director of Veritas Prep Charter School, believes the secret to mastering the MCAS test -- or any other scholarly goal, for that matter -- is a relentless commitment to achievement, on the part of both teachers and students... - Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker talks education, closing achievement gap in visit to Springfield's Veritas Preparatory Charter School

SPRINGFIELD — In a visit to Western Massachusetts aimed at boosting the soon-to-open Phoenix Charter Academy High School in Springfield, Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker spent part of the morning touring another charter school in the city.

Veritas Preparatory Charter School on Pine Street, which is in its second year of operations, welcomed Baker, who spent time talking with students, visiting classrooms and watching lessons in progress...

Republican Editorials - Veritas Preparatory Charter School holds promise for Springfield

While some charter schools don’t live up to their promise, many do. That’s why we’re pleased that the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education is expanding the number of charter schools in the state to 16 - including the addition of a Veritas Preparatory Charter School in Springfield...